Shark s3501 vs s1000
Here is a comparison of Shark s3501 vs s1000 in terms of their Suction Power, Capacity, Price, Weight as well as other important factors which a good Vaccum cleaner should have. We have also included costumer Reviews from Amazon for better help your understand.
|| Main Differences:
The main Differences between these two models are given below,
• Weight:
Shark s3501 is slightly heavier than Shark s1000. Shark s3501 weighs around 4.87 pounds whereas Shark s1000 weighs around 4.6 pounds.
• Wattage:
Shark s3501 has Power wattage of 1200 watts while Shark s1000 has power wattage of 1050 watts. Due to higher wattage Shark s3501 is more efficient in cleaning.
• Capacity:
Capacity of Shark s3501 is 15.2 fluid ounces while Shark s1000 is 12.68 fluid ounces.
• Height:
Shark s3501 is higher than Shark s1000. Shark s3501 is 54 inches high while Shark s1000 is 46 inches high.
• No. Of Sales & Price:
Shark s3501 has higher sales compared to Shark s1000. Shark s3501 has higher selling price than Shark s1000.